July 18, 2011

Recovery Week Completed, Heat Wave on the Horizon

This was the first 'recovery week' in my training; every few weeks, there's a slightly easier week on the long run day to let the body recover a bit.  It was a beautiful week, lower temperatures (sub 90s) and a little breeze on the weekend runs.

Unfortunately, the easy living is about to end. With heat index predictions of 100-111 on Wednesday-Sunday, it's going to be rough running. The heat index on Saturday and Sunday are both expected to be 111 degrees...not the ideal temperature to run a 16 miler.

Week 5 Summary  -  (15 Weeks to Go)
Wed 7 mi
Thurs 3 mi
Sat 7 mi
Sun 10 mi (7 mi pavement, 3 mi trail running)
Total Week's Mileage: 27 miles

For total 20-week training plan from previous blog posting: Click here.