July 31, 2011

Finally, Five Days of Running

Seven weeks into training, over a third of the way through, and I finally hit the plan by running five days a week. Due to nagging injuries, business travel, or the heat index, I was struggling to hit that fifth day, always giving up a short run for extra rest. But this week I not only became a morning runner (5:15 wake-ups on Wednesdays are painful) to avoid the heat, I also dedicated myself to hitting that elusive fifth day. And with no business travel for another few weeks, it's looking good to make this a habit.

My long run on Sunday was fantastic. The weather was a bit more cooperative than last week, and I managed to clear 17 miles a few minutes quicker than I ran 16 the week before. Even more encouraging, I felt really strong throughout the run and even picked up the pace at mile 13 or so.

It was rough to wake up at 5:15am on Sunday to eat something and hit the pavement by 6:30, but it was nice once I got going considering there was far less foot and cycle traffic at that time. Even had an interesting run-in with a deer...early in my run, a big doe jumped out of the brush about fifteen feet ahead of me...not sure who was more surprised, her or me. But she quickly made the decision to get the heck out of my way and she bounded off the other side of the pavement and down into some trees.

Week 7 Summary  -  (13 Weeks to Go)
Tues 4 mi
Wed 8 mi
Thurs 4 mi
Sat 8 mi
Sun 17 mi
Total Week's Mileage: 41 miles

For total 20-week training plan from previous blog posting: Click here.