August 31, 2011

Half Marathon to Work?

My client site in Maryland is exactly 13.1 miles from my house, and sadly it's 50-50 if I can run there quicker than driving. Does Asics make a dress shoe?

August 30, 2011

Oops...I Did It Again

Shoes are like cars, they go on sale when the old model is on the way out.

However, unlike cars...I now have five pairs of the same running shoe.  But at least two pairs of my GT-2610s are north of 240 miles each, so I'll have to rotate some new pairs in before the marathon.

Seriously, how could I resist the black/silver
with black laces? Them boys are sharp.

August 29, 2011

We Interrupt this Run for a Little Hurricane-Related Turbulence

Being as though it was a light week on the schedule -- and since I was nursing some soreness from last week's 20-miler and headed back to Canada on business -- I figured I'd skip a short run this week.

But Saturday's run was also obviously interrupted by a little bit of weather...

...but got in a quick 10 miles on Sunday and should be prepared to ramp back up for this week's big mileage.

Week 11 Summary  -  (9 Weeks to Go)
Tues 6 mi
Thurs 5 mi
Sun 10 mi
Total Week's Mileage: 21 miles

For total 20-week training plan from previous blog posting: Click here.

August 23, 2011

VIP Port-o-Potty FTW!!

Access to a VIP toilet? Best incentive. Ever. Unfortunately I won't be spending that much in the MCM store.

Most important part of today's Marine Corps Marathon newsletter update:

"Purchase $150 of Marine Corps Marathon apparel at the MCM Brooks Store and get access to the VIP port-o-potty near the start on event morning."

August 21, 2011

20 Miles is Only Halfway?

A wise man once said, "in the marathon, 20 miles is halfway"...I like that better than the other advice I got: "the race doesn't begin until mile 20."  I guess no matter who you listen to, there's a lot of pain and persistence needed after you hit the big two-oh; but it still felt good to hit that milestone.

On Sunday's big 20-miler, I felt really good throughout the first 15 miles or so, and I found myself quickly clicking off miles at a relaxed pace. I'm not pushing for time so much right now, just getting through the miles and building base mileage. As with the week prior, the last few miles were hurting due to a quick temperature increase as the time approached 11:00am. In reflecting on the run, the final miles' struggles were likely due to temperature more than anything, I physically felt fine and I thought my mental game was on...can't wait for the fall and the return of an agreeable climate.

Was supposed to hit 50 miles this week, but when looking at the schedule, I figured I'd miss a day or so in my DCA-YOW-BOS-DCA two-city business travel. I opted to miss Tuesday to give me some extra rest and to enjoy the restaurants of Ottawa. I unfortunately didn't get outside in Boston and was forced to use the treadmill with a 1% incline for my midweek 10 miler and 5 miler. Considering the Marriott's treadmills were set to shut off after 60 minutes, there was an awkward mid-run machine reset, haha.

Week 10 Summary  -  (10 Weeks to Go)
Tues - skipped -
Wed 10 mi
Thurs 5 mi 
Sat 10 mi
Sun 20 mi
Total Week's Mileage: 45 miles

For total 20-week training plan from previous blog posting: Click here.

August 17, 2011

Sending Peanut Butter Through an Airport Scanner

Being stuck in a city with no trails and running 10 miles on a treadmill is a draining, boring, and repetitive-injury-causing nightmare. It just plain sucks. It's especially fun when the Marriott concierge lounge only has little 10-ounce bottles of water...ever try cramming more than one of those in a treadmill cup holder?

But you know what's really funny? Having to send peanut butter and Shot Bloks through the airport scanner in your ditty bag.

Carbs, compression, and some PB for the ditty bag.
Carry-on of champions.

August 15, 2011

Hitting the Road for 19 Miles (and for Work)

Wow, running 19 miles was appreciably harder than the previous long of 17 miles, but it feels great to be on the edge of another milestone and about to hit 20-miler status. Late Friday night I decided to bump my long run up to Saturday morning due to expected showers all weekend, so I really didn’t eat properly the day before. The first 7 miles or so was running in a light rain, which was somewhat refreshing and a nice change of pace, and I felt really great for the first few miles after the turnaround at mile 9.5. As expected, my lack of preparation the night(s) before caught up and my last few miles felt a bit sluggish, also due in part to the rising temperature and humidity after the early rain.

The real challenge to my running starts this week, with business travel the next few weeks, and all of October before the race, it’s going to be hard to get in five days of running, especially 10-milers on alternating Wednesdays. Worst of all, my business travel is in urban areas without running trails, so I may have to endure the boring, less effective treadmill…not to mention the repetition tweaks and injuries that it causes. Add to that a long commute to a new project in Bethesda when I am home and diminishing sunshine as we hit fall, and logging 50 miles some weeks may require creative scheduling on weekdays.

But no one said it was going to be easy.

Week 9 Summary  -  (11 Weeks to Go)
Tues 4 mi
Wed 9 mi
Thurs 4 mi
Sat 19 mi
Sun - rain out -
Total Week's Mileage: 36 miles

For total 20-week training plan from previous blog posting: Click here.

August 7, 2011

The Last Respite

This week was a rest and recovery week, dropped the mileage a bit for a final breather before hitting a set of weeks that will conclude with me eclipsing the mythical 20-mile distance.

Ritter is more than happy to help with rest and recovery weeks.

Had a decent week of running, and actually had fun running 9 miles in the rain on Wednesday morning.

But my 12-miler on Sunday was pretty rough. A combination of some body aches, a harsh temperature, and the iPod battery going out less than two miles of those runs to just power through and put it in the rear view.

Week 8 Summary  -  (12 Weeks to Go)
Tues 4 mi
Wed 9 mi
Thurs 4 mi
Sat 9 mi
Sun 12 mi  (8 mi pavement, 4 mi trail running)
Total Week's Mileage: 38 miles

For total 20-week training plan from previous blog posting: Click here.

August 3, 2011

Running in the Rain

It was surprising how much I thoroughly enjoyed running 9 miles at 6:00am in a steady rain. Maybe I should've joined the Army?