September 12, 2011

Annual Milestones Passed: 700 Miles & 100 Hours

Since last week and this week are following a modified training schedule (Oktoberfest Saturday!), I'm going to forgo a weekly summary and instead make a note about passing some year-to-date milestones: I broke the century mark for hours run in 2011, and I passed the 700-mile mark.

You can tell by the peaks and valleys in the monthly summary below where I ended half-marathon training (March), entered speedwork and 5k season (April-May), and hit marathon mode (June).

The miles and minutes include my warm up and cool down, so that adds about .8 mile (~8 min) total per training day, throwing off the annual pace. Omitting those two slow jogging periods, annual pace is just under 8:00/mile for the year, even with my long-slow-distance (LSD) runs.
Year-to-Date Summary
 Jan 30 miles  (283 minutes)
 Feb 72 miles  (661 minutes)
 Mar 93 miles  (838 minutes)
 Apr 52 miles  (443 minutes)
 May 67 miles  (557 minutes)
 June 74 miles  (632 minutes)
July 158 miles  (1,374 minutes)
 Aug 163 miles  (1,414 minutes)
 Total Year to Date: 708 miles  (103 hours, 12 minutes)